Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Veggie Pizza and Cold Oatmeal

Not together!

I've been so busy these last few days, I almost forgot I had a blog! Well, nothing new or exciting going on in my world of weight loss right now.. just staying on track and eating the same few recipes over and over again. One of my favorites is veggie pizza on whole wheat naan (or any suitable whole wheat flatbread). I spread a thin layer of pesto, followed by marinara sauce, a thin layer of cheese, tons of peppers (red! orange! green!) onions and mushroom, and then top it off with sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese. For a 450-650 calorie dinner (depending on the flatbread used) with A TON of flavor, it really can't be beat.

 Naan pizza in the making... (this one is on white)


I've also been dabbling in "overnight oats" ... I am VERY pleased with this breakfast! I've been eating oatmeal in the morning for a while now (and on and off over the last year) but I don't find it incredibly delicious. I mostly eat oats because they're easy to make at work and are extremely filling- not to mention healthy (fiber, protein). Overnight oats, on the other hand, are incredibly delicious! I mix 1/2 cup rolled oats with 1/2 cup water and a 3oz greek yogurt. I also mash in a banana and a tablespoon of peanut butter. I let it all chill in the fridge overnight (the oats soak up all the liquid and come out very creamy) and then eat it first thing in the morning. I definitely prefer this cold mixture to hot oats. I'm going to start experimenting with other add-ins in the coming weeks. I also want to mix it up and have a hot non-oat breakfast every now and then (I'm thinking egg & cheese on a crumpet) but it's so hard for me to get up early enough to cook anything. Oh well. We'll see.
 I didn't take a picture of overnight oats... here are some hot oats I had the other day! With half a banana, some walnuts, and a few dark chocolate chip/chunks.

I'm going to pick up some new things on my next trip to the grocery store, and try out some new recipes. I've been seeing a lot of funky lentil dishes... I've never cooked lentils before but I like that they're cheap and versatile.

 Speaking of groceries and being cheap... I am $66 into my food budget for this week (out of the $100 total allotted) and I don't foresee myself spending the last $34! This is very exciting. I am typically not good with money. I have really enjoyed making all of my meals at home instead of eating out, and I just can't get over how much cheaper it is and how far food stretches when you don't eat six thousand calories a day. If I make it to the end of the week (Friday) only having spent $66, I'm going to put the remainder toward a pair of sunglasses. I really need sunglasses.

My mom is visiting me this weekend. I'm very excited! She is also changing her habits and getting healthy. Instead of spending the weekend gorging ourselves like we used to, we're going to eat sensibly and find other fun things to do (like shop for sunglasses!). Can't wait.

Anyway, that's all for now!


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